Intermediate, Security

User-add and modifying group

$useradd -m -g users -G groupname -d/home/homedirectory -s /bin/bash username$usermod -a -G sudo username‘-m’ for creating home directory for user, ‘-g’ primary group , ‘-G’ groups, ‘-s’ login shell, ‘-d’ specifies custom home directory‘-a’ add group it retains group which user was part of without removing him from previous groupsSudoers.d# to give access to group… Continue reading User-add and modifying group

Basics, Intermediate

Making Backups With Rsync

There is a famous saying among 'nix users, "There are two types of people using linux - one kind of people who backup their system regularly and the other kind of people who never came across any issue in linux." It is safe to say that the latter kind is virtually nonexistent. Backing-up your system… Continue reading Making Backups With Rsync


Basic commands for terminal users

Every Linux user will at some point need to use the terminal or the command-line interface (CLI). It is not only for hackers & programmers; even ordinary people without any background in coding can quickly grasp the basics of the command line. So with this introduction, we shall see some basic commands which will prove… Continue reading Basic commands for terminal users



 Why virtual box and virtual-machine?                             Virtualization is a combination of software and hardware engineering that creates Virtual Machines  an abstraction of the computer hardware that allows a single machine to act as if it were many machines. A virtual machine is by default isolated from the actual host machine so we can test our… Continue reading VIRTUAL BOX